EAT-10 Questionnaire | Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10)

A Swallowing Screening Tool

Last Name First Name Sex Age Date

EAT-10 helps to measure swallowing difficulties.
It may be important for you to talk with your physician about treatment options for symptoms.


Answer each question by choosing the number that best describes your condition.
To what extent do you experience the following problems?

1 My swallowing problem has caused me to lose weight.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
2 My swallowing problem interferes with my ability to go out for meals.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
3Swallowing liquids takes extra effort.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
4Swallowing solids takes extra effort.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
5Swallowing pills takes extra effort.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
6Swallowing is painful.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
7 The pleasure of eating is affected by my swallowing.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
8When I swallow food sticks in my throat.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
9I cough when I eat.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem
10Swallowing is stressful.
 0 = No problem
 4 = Severe problem

Add up the number of points and write your total score in the boxes.
Total score (max. 40 points)

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If the EAT-10 score is 3 or higher, you may have problems swallowing efficiently and safely. We recommend discussing the EAT-10 results with a physician.

References: The validity and reliability of EAT-10 has been determined.
Belafsky PC, Mouadeb DA, Rees CJ, Pryor JC, Postma GN, Allen J, Leonard RJ. Validity and Reliability of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10). Annals of Otology Rhinology & Laryngology 2008;117(12):919-924.